Start learning and earning
When you choose an apprenticeship, you start learning - and start earning - straight away.
For over 40 years, we've been partnering with employers to put apprentices on the fast track to success.
Why choose an apprenticeship?
You'll earn at least the minimum wage, combine classroom training with hands-on experience in a real working environment, and enjoy a good work-life balance with holidays.
With 91% of candidates in work just six months after becoming qualified, an apprenticeship is a fantastic way to launch your career.
Find out moreApprenticeship benefits
Here's what you can gain through a GTG apprenticeship:
- Skills that will kick-start your career
- A regular wage as you learn
- Support from experienced instructors and mentors
- A qualification that'll impress employers
- The ability to choose the career path that's right for you.
Getting started
Your apprenticeship can take between one to four years, depending on the level of qualifications you choose.
During that time, you'll be working and gaining invaluable experience, doing what you love.