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What will the apprentice learn?

The Transport and Warehouse Operations Supervisor Apprenticeship is a Level 3 course which provides learners with the knowledge and skills to carry out the role of a transport operations supervisor. It can also be used to enhance the knowledge and skills of current transport planners and supervisors. 

 Modules covered in the course: 

  • Drivers’ hours and records
  • Planned preventative maintenance
  • Weights and dimensions of vehicles and loads
  • Vehicle costings  
  • Business and company law 

Why choose this apprenticeship?  

The Transport and Warehouse Operations Supervisor Apprenticeship is a Level 3 qualification that enhances the skillset of the generalist transport office operator into a versatile company asset with a Management CPC certificate. 

This qualification is ideal for those who are currently working as transport planners, generalist transport office staff or those who are earmarked as future potential transport managers. 

What are the aims of the apprenticeship? 

This course will provide the apprentices with the skills and experience to successfully earn their  Management CPC certification, enhancing their skillset and current role while also providing a strong of foundation of industry-specific knowledge for future training and career development.   

This apprenticeship will take a minimum of 12 months to complete prior to taking the end-point assessment period. 

How will the assessment work?

The apprentice will be assessed through a presentation of a submitted 4,000-word project, knowledge checks and an interview. Everything the apprentice needs to pass these assessments will be taught through the duration of the apprenticeship.

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